
Lessons from Offshore Wind Connections 2024
Lessons from Offshore Wind Connections 2024
The offshore wind sector is, if you pardon the pun, full to bursting with energy, and in a few hours that whizzed by faster than the blades of a Hornsea 2 turbine at peak capacity, so much knowledge was generously shared and relationships warmly strengthened at today’s Offshore Wind Connections conference; the future of the Humber region looks brighter than...
A new creative hub lays down roots in the Lincolnshire Wolds
A new creative hub lays down roots in the Lincolnshire Wolds
‘Small rural businesses have a big impact, especially when they collaborate’ is the message being championed by Systematic and Knapton Wright, a duo of creative businesses that are celebrating settling down in a newly redeveloped joint working space.  Both working to improve the success of...
What Attracts Me to Marketing? 
What Attracts Me to Marketing? 
We love to welcome young (and less young!) people into the agency for work experience. Each time we do, we ask them to write a piece for our website. The follow article was written by Benjamin Ellis, a budding student interested in marketing and design...
No more woolly words: How to provide effective, objective feedback on design
No more woolly words: How to provide effective, objective feedback on design
Let’s deal with the harsh reality of feedback on design from the off: No matter how hard you try, you’re going to be making a subjective judgement about what you see. It’s impossible not to be influenced by how design makes you feel. And actually,...
Why are awards important?
Why are awards important?
First off, winning isn’t everything. And this is one of those cases when we actually do mean it.  Sure, taking home a fancy glass trophy with your name etched into it forever more isn’t something to turn your nose up at - far from it,...
Email Marketing Metrics You Should Be Measuring
Email Marketing Metrics You Should Be Measuring
Key marketing tool or annoying spam that proliferates your inbox flooding it with useless information? It’s up to you (or your friendly neighbourhood marketing agency) to make sure your email marketing falls into the first category, rather than the latter.  There is no one way...
Five months into my Digital Marketer apprenticeship...
Five months into my Digital Marketer apprenticeship...
Two months on from my last blog, five months into my Digital Marketer apprenticeship and just under 13 months to go. Sounds crazy! As I approach the end of 2023, I find myself reflecting on my experience and some of the key learning opportunities that...
So long
So long's been a blast
2023 is ending with Knapton Wright being in a completely different place from where we started the year. Quite literally! We’re in a new office, new location, new neighbours, new vibe… but looking a little deeper than that, we are signing off this year not...
Two heads ARE better than one: The value that lies in a truly collaborative partnership
Two heads ARE better than one: The value that lies in a truly collaborative partnership
We talk a lot about forging meaningful relationships with clients. For us, that means a relationship where collaboration goes hand-in-hand with trust in each party’s individual abilities and specialisms and an understanding that one cannot achieve its best work without reciprocated support. Positive challenges and...
Finding our niche: marketing for brands that put the planet first
Finding our niche: marketing for brands that put the planet first
A few months ago, we revealed our rebrand. And while I know the actual look and feel of the rebrand is something the team and I will 100% care about more than you, the WHY that sits behind our shift might just matter.  It signifies...
Bring us your toothache, not the drill - Why we will always positively challenge you
Bring us your toothache, not the drill - Why we will always positively challenge you
Presenting ‘challenge’ in a positive way, it’s an art. A business-defining mantra that in all honesty might not be for everyone. The question is, is it for you?  You’ve heard of the old Chinese proverb, ‘If you give a man a fish, you feed him...
What the new Website Sustainability Guidelines mean for us all
What the new Website Sustainability Guidelines mean for us all
New guidelines have been published to help companies like us to develop more sustainable websites.
Fresh Beginnings as a Digital Marketing Apprentice
Fresh Beginnings as a Digital Marketing Apprentice
My experience at Knapton Wright, so far, couldn’t have been better. Bold starting point, right?  Starting a new job is a time of new beginnings, fresh challenges, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. But it can also be a time of uncertainty - especially...
Supercharge your social media: Discover Boston workshop, September 2023
Supercharge your social media: Discover Boston workshop, September 2023
The information on this page is what we covered in the Discover Boston’s ‘Supercharge your social media’ workshop on Thursday, 21st September. It is intended as a reminder of the many varied discussion topics that arose throughout the session, so if you weren’t there, it...
The cost of digital: measuring a company’s digital carbon footprint
The cost of digital: measuring a company’s digital carbon footprint
Where to begin measuring the digital carbon footprint of a business? This is something we’re making tentative steps to explore, certainly for Knapton Wright as well as our clients. 
Reflections of my first week with KW: Embracing a New Journey
Reflections of my first week with KW: Embracing a New Journey
Starting my new journey with Knapton Wright came along with many different emotions. Firstly, leaving one job where I’ve worked for many years to finally move forward and pursue a career was bittersweet. It’s scary stepping into the unfamiliar, however I was extremely honoured to...
Expansion of the Knapton Wright portfolio: welcoming Bazzoo into the fold
Expansion of the Knapton Wright portfolio: welcoming Bazzoo into the fold
July 2023 sees a new chapter in the Knapton Wright story with Bazzoo, a complementary business based in Newark, joining the KW fold.
GA Business Services: A Strategic Alliance to Further Strengthen our “Green” Offering
GA Business Services: A Strategic Alliance to Further Strengthen our “Green” Offering
We’re joining forces.  Striking up a strategic partnership to bring you  - our clients  - the expertise and experience of not one, but two established local businesses in a new consultancy service, offered in addition to our ‘day jobs’. Obviously, one of those businesses is...
How to create Reels and Stories for beginners
How to create Reels and Stories for beginners
Learn how to engage with more brands and an even larger audience by creating your very own Instagram Reels and Stories. Social media is growing bigger and bigger every day and I am sure you know that it is essential for your business. Instagram Reels...
Lincolnshire Wolds Tourism Conference 2022
Lincolnshire Wolds Tourism Conference 2022
Our “Digital Marketing Health Check” for Visitor Economy Businesses If you run a business in or associated with the visitor economy in Lincolnshire, you need to make sure the ever-popular Lincolnshire Wolds Tourism Conference is firmly in your diary. This year’s event was hosted by...
LinkedIn  - Using The Platform Effectively
LinkedIn  - Using The Platform Effectively
Connection Requests There is no reason not to accept a connection request, regardless of whether you know the individual. Expanding your network will result in a larger network and more opportunities. You'll also appear more frequently. On the flip-side, if you’re just connecting with very...
LinkedIn - Your Personal Profile
LinkedIn - Your Personal Profile
LinkedIn is all about building connections, and the best way to do this is to provide value. This should be your primary mission on LinkedIn; not to make sales, but to… Build relationships Connect Provide value Personal Branding Personal branding is vital on LinkedIn, especially...
We’ve been working with our clients to make sure they get the very most out of their investment before, during and after the show, to ensure that their activity over a couple of days in June becomes the gift that keeps on giving for the rest of the year.
This could be you

Challenge Us!

We're Ready For It.

Our clients are open to change, and they embraced it. They challenged us and it paid off.

Now we want to help you.
We love working with brands who put the planet first. From renewables and agri-tech, to environmental and sustainability-focused businesses, get in touch to find out how we can help you.

Let's get something going...